Our Proven Process

This Ultimate Guide for moving your pet from the US to Germany is self-paced, interactive, and based on our team's proven process. With our step-by-step guidance, you can ensure a successful move for you and your pet.

  • Introduction on Moving to Germany

  • Consulting your Vet on Health and Safety

  • Booking Your Pet's Travel

  • Choosing and Using a Travel Crate

  • Preparing for a Safe & Happy Travel Day

  • Acclimating Your Pet to their New Home

Course Overview

    1. Welcome!

    2. An Intro with our CEO, Kevin O'Brien

    3. Meet Your Virtual Coach, Petra!

    4. Navigating Your Course

    5. Downloading Documents

    6. Pet Preparation - Germany

    1. Document Downloads - Vet

    2. Consulting Your Vet on Health and Safety

    3. Set Up Your Vet Coaching Session

    1. Document Downloads - Travel

    2. Booking Your Pet's Travel

    3. Set Up Your Travel Coaching Session

    1. Digital Downloads - Pet Preparation

    2. Choosing and Using a Travel Crate

    3. Preparing for a Safe & Happy Travel Day

    4. Acclimating Your Pet to their New Home

    1. Help Us With Your Feedback

    2. Thank You!

Relocating your Pet to Germany - with Expert Advisor

  • $1,500.00
  • 18 lessons
  • Two, 1 Hour Advisor Sessions

We Make It Easy!

From navigating German regulations and paperwork to facilitating travel logistics, our support will help make your journey as easy as possible

Move Your Pet Through The United States, City Reflection

👋 Let Us Support Your Pack

Even if you know all the steps to relocate your pet, implementing those steps is challenging. Imagine flight delays requiring a last-minute change to travel plans or a paperwork mix-up preventing entry at the airport. Our experienced team has seen it all and knows how to prevent problems before they arise. Our process, partners, and expert employees ensure that your pet is supported with the care and respect they deserve. 👇